Ramblings of the Awesome...

Yes, I know you wonder.. what is this chick doing?? Well, by no means do I even pretend to be a blogger, but I do sometimes find it useful to have a place to express myself if I want/ need to.

I hope you enjoy my random thoughts!

Monday, November 15, 2010


My mind is full of things I am thankful for... Family, friends, my job!
On the more frivolous side, I have things that inspire me, which in turn I am thankful for too.
Music, Art, Fashion, Movies... these give the warm fuzzies to me and inspire me to be awesome!


Faith No More:
They are the epitomy of awesome. I have been a fan since I was 12. Geek out, totally! and I don't care! I looooooove me some Mike Patton and the rest of the crew kickin' ass. J'taime FNM! I have honestly seen almost every show they have played since 1990 until they broke up. I missed the first reunion tour due to having no $$$... The fact that they are touring again and that my awesome and amazing husband got me tickets for my birthday, well there are no words.

As a member of Turbojugend Costa Mesa and President of Turbojugend Brea, I am devoted to the gods of party!

Others that I cannot live without...
Old Metallica, Iron Maiden, Pantera, Slayer, Hank the III, Electric Frankenstein! This list could go on for days.


The Blues Brothers:
Everyone who knows me, knows how much I LOVE Jake and Elwood... sigh. The feel of the entire movie is so cool. I quote this movie incessantly. In fact I have passed on the love to my children. How's that for awesome?!?!

True Romance, Kentucky Fried Movie, Christmas Vacation, Harry Potter... They all make me happy. I have so many more, too many to list.


Sylvia Ji:
What else can I say? Her art speaks for itself! So insanely talented...
December 11, 2010 is her next solo exhibition at Corey Helford Gallery in Culver City, CA. Check it out!!!



Glimt, Bosch, Esher among others are so beautiful and inspiring.

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